FOLLOW THE MONEY series in Hawai’i politics, is Maui’s House District 13 Lynn DeCoite

With the signing of our landmark legislation banning chlorpyrifos on Wednesday, we can finally close the book on the 2018 Hawai’i Legislative Session. Now it’s time to switch gears to the 2018 election.

With only 8 weeks until the Primary Election (Saturday, August 11), and less than 4 until Absentee Ballots begin arriving, we have resumed our important work of illuminating the forces that attempt to buy influence in our State and County Races.

Although, in the end our pesticide legislation passed unanimously through the House and the Senate, if you spend enough time following the process, you will see that votes don’t always accurately reflect a particular legislator’s stance. Votes are traded for favors, used to build alliances, and even used to feign support to the public. Representative DeCoite’s speech on the House floor regarding the passage of SB3095, let the industry know where she really stood on the matter, regardless of her vote of “Aye, with reservations”.

Of course this came as no surprise. As last we checked, she was not only one of the State’s largest producer of sweet potatoes (a notoriously heavily sprayed crop) but also a Monsanto seed corn farmer.

With the most important campaign spending report of the Primary not due until July 12, we looked to other sources to see precisely what companies may have been attempting to influence our Representative by funding her campaign. Follow The Money is one such website that keeps track of donations to State Legislators over time.

It is also no surprise to us to find direct donations to her campaign from Dupont, Dow and Western Plant Health Association (a biotech industry trade organization). Keep in mind we are only reporting direct donations- we have yet to factor into account the lobbyists that also fund campaigns on behalf of these corporations.

Other corporate donors to her campaign include an assortment of developer/contractors, real estate and tourism interests and some tobacco and alcohol thrown in for good measure.

One of the most unique and rural districts in the State, HD 13 spans Ha’ikū, Hana, Kaupō, Kīpahulu, Nāhiku and Pā’ia on Maui, and the islands of Moloka’i, Lāna’i. Kaho’olawe and Molokini. Potentially undue corporate interest in this District deserves close scrutiny.

DeCoite does finally have a formidable opponent this year in newcomer John-Bull English. He is running a very respectful campaign, canvassing the district and rejecting any support and donations from ALL corporations and organizations- even environmental ones! If you are a voter in this district you should remember his name or search for his website. As they are both running as Democrats, their race will be determined in the Primary election.

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